October 6th 2019
The 12th Carne Trophy event took place in St. Helen's Bay on Saturday October 6th. Despite a reasonably clear start, we had a very rainy afternoon, bringing much more rain than was expected and thoroughly soaking everyone. Still, well done to all the teams, everyone managed to complete their cards. In future years though, we will have a ‘Plan B’ in place to deal with such eventualities.
Friday night in the Kilrane Inn saw the following teams being ‘drawn’, albeit while accommodating a number of pre-selection requests:
Team A: Fergal McGrath, Danny Donohoe, Colin Burke and Paddy Burke
Team B: Brian Buttimer, Gráinne Ryan, Stephen Connolly and Marc Farrelly
Team C: Russell Burke, Susan Connolly, Ian McDonald and Michael McDonald
Team D: Peter Ryan, Cliona Burke Conor McGarry and Brian McGarry
Team E: Guy Wheeler, Ann-Marie Ryan, Dermot 'Jock' Kelly and James Burke
The usual scramble format was the order of the day and all five teams enjoyed the golf with the course being in great condition despite the rain. After the golf, some adjourned to the bar in the Saint Helen's Bay where notes were compared, those most had to rush to the showers and get changed.
Postmortems completed, everyone headed for the K1 where we were joined by Eleanor Connolly, Ashley, Gary, Katie and Mary Burke, and Maura and Eithne Butler. Jim, Mark, Deborah, Sarah and the team, as always, delivered a superb meal with service and a smile.
And so to the results……
This year’s Carne Trophy was a very close run affair. It was won with an excellent score of 74 by Fergal McGrath, Danny Donohoe, Colin Burke and Paddy Burke. This was just two shots ahead of Guy Wheeler, Ann-Marie Ryan, Dermot 'Jock' Kelly and James Burke, with Peter Ryan, Cliona Burke Conor McGarry and Brian McGarry coming in third. This brings back some memories, as both Paddy and Fergal were members of the inaugural winning team along with another of the Ryans, Fintan.
Longest drive was won by James Burke on the 13th. Gráinne Ryan took nearest the pin on the 17th with Ian McDonald having earned that title for his efforts at the 7th. James Burke won the Gay Reilly Golfer of the Day and, as a ‘family’ therefore also earned the right to wear the Carne Trophy Green Jacket, which is awarded to the family member who features highest in the golfer of the day rankings.
As always, we remembered absent friends and family, Molly herself, Joe, Gay Reilly and Pat Hennessy.
A number of thank yours were also made to Ellie Connolly for once again sponsoring the main prizes, Sonya McGarry for another incredible Carne Trophy Cake (see the photos), Rebecca Connolly, Brian Buttimer and Guy Wheeler for various prizes and to Susan Connolly for the goodie bags.
Finally we acknowledge the staff of both St. Helen’s Bay and the Kilrane Inn for making this a great day for all. See you in 2020.
This year’s winners were Fergal McGrath, Danny Donohoe, Colin Burke and Paddy Burke.
Other Winners
The Gay Reilly Golfer of the Day Award - James Burke
Longest Drive - James Burke (9th)
Nearest the Pin - Ian McDonald (7th), Gráinne Ryan (17th)
'The Family' Green Jacket - James Burke
Cliona Burke
Colin Burke
James Burke
Paddy Burke
Russell Burke
Brian Buttimer
Stephen Connolly
Susan Connolly
Danny Donohoe
Marc Farrelly
Dermot 'Jock' Kelly
Ian McDonald
Michael McDonald
Brian McGarry
Conor McGarry
Fergal McGrath
Ann-Marie Ryan
Gráinne Ryan
Peter Ryan
Guy Wheeler
Thank You - Many thanks to Ellie Connolly for the main prizes, to Paddy Burke for his great work in ‘upgrading’ the Carne Trophy, to Guy Wheeler his ‘special’ balls, to Susan Conolly for the goody bags, to everyone else who contributed spot prizes and to Peter Ryan who took most of the photographs.